Teachers from key laboratories went to Japan to attend the 4th International Conference on Cellulose


Key Laboratory teachers Zhao Chuanshan, Wu Chaojun, Wang Qiang, Lv Gaojin and young teachers He Ming, Dr. Lin Zhaoyun and his entourage were 6 and they went to Fukuoka, Japan from October 17 to October 20, 2017 to attend the 4th International Conference on Cellulose.

The four-day conference brought together more than 200 experts, professors and graduate students from all over the world to participate in the conference. Internationally renowned experts Yoshiyuki Nishio of Kyoto University in Japan, Orlando J. Rojas of Aalto University in Finland, and Alfred D. French, editor-in-chief of Cellulose magazine, research techniques for advanced cellulosic functional materials, nano-cellulose high value-added materials, and biomass refining The latest research progress of their respective teams conducted thematic reports. The participants of our hospital (key lab) exhibited the latest research results in their respective fields in a poster format. They also met with experts and scholars from Japan, the United States, Finland, Sweden, France, and other countries on biomass energy technologies and nanofibers. Industrialization and other areas have been extensive exchanges.

By attending this international conference, participants from our hospital (key laboratory) met many outstanding experts and scholars in the field at home and abroad, and discussed the use of high-value cellulose with international peer experts and scholars. Our teachers successfully carried out the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” National Key R&D Program (“Highly Efficient Utilization of Fiber Raw Materials Based on Papermaking Process” 2017YFB0307900) and related studies of Taishan Scholars Projects for reference and promotion, while improving Pulp and Paper in our hospital The international recognition of engineering disciplines and key laboratories will lay the foundation for the international technical cooperation and exchanges in the related research fields of the teachers and students of our institute (key laboratory).

Participate in international academic conferences, and get acquainted with and communicate with experts and scholars in the field and in the industry. At the same time as understanding, learning, and learning, we present the research results of teachers and students in our hospital (key lab). The effective way for the international academic exchange center and the composition of the participants are also the concrete manifestations of team building and young teacher training.