Teachers from key laboratories went to Hangzhou to attend the first international conference on biomass utilization technology


Key lab teachers Lv Gaojin and Jiang Zaiyong visited the first International Conference on Biomass Utilization Technology (ISBUT 2017) from November 17 to 19, 2017 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

The conference was co-sponsored by the International Biological Process Association and the Key Laboratory of Zhejiang University Students' Ministry of Education. The main contents of the conference include: chemical and thermochemical conversion of biomass, biomass bioconversion, high value-added use and process of biomass, biomass-based materials and catalysts. The meeting invited key academicians, experts, bioresource technology, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research magazine editors of biomass chemistry and related fields to give a report on the latest research progress of biomass utilization technologies and their respective teams.

Professor Lu Gaojin gave an academic report entitled “Pyrolysis Behaviours of Chemi-Mechanical Pulping Spent Liquor and Its Main Components”. During the meeting, the two teachers had extensive knowledge and exchanges with well-known experts, scholars, and outstanding graduate students in the field. While understanding, learning, and drawing on, they further demonstrated the research results, overall situation, and development prospects of key laboratories.