Zhou Donghua from Shandong University of Science and Technology visits and inspects my key laboratory


 On the morning of June 26, 2017, Zhou Donghua, Vice President of Shandong University of Science and Technology, and his team visited the school for a visit. During the visit, they visited my key laboratory. Deputy Director Gongfan Gong attended the seminar organized by the school and accompanied the guests to visit my key laboratory; Vice President Ding Hongjie took part in the visits and inspections, and Assistant Director Han Wenjia gave a full explanation to the guests.

 Mr. Zhou Donghua’s group of principals includes the leaders of the Science and Technology Division of the school, the president of the college, etc., mainly to inspect and exchange the situation of the construction of the national key laboratory of our college. The accompanying staff introduced the key laboratory’s scientific research direction, team, performance, hardware construction, management, environment, and foreign exchange in detail along the way; and Yang Guihua, the distinguished professor of the Taishan Scholars on the second floor of Block A, built and operated the team of Taishan Scholars. The situation was specifically communicated.