Hired Dr. Lucia from North Carolina State University as a Distinguished Professor


Hired Dr. Lucia from North Carolina State University as a Distinguished Professor

Our hospital hired Dr. Lucia of North Carolina State University as a distinguished professor to engage in scientific research and teaching. Dr. Lucia is an Associate Professor in the Department of Forest Biomaterials at the University of North Carolina. For the past six years, he has been working on the subject of renewable polymers (mainly wood) basic chemistry and materials engineering. He graduated from the University of Florida in 1996 with a degree in organic chemistry and received a doctorate. During the period, the energy storage process in the photosynthesis process of plants was simulated using the organic metal combination mechanism based on the new helium (I).

He first worked as an assistant professor at the School of Paper Science and Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology, where he was involved in the basic oxidation reaction of pure oxygen and lignin and cellulose in woodpulp. He later taught at the University of North Carolina, USA. The current research focuses mainly on The chemical modification of wood fibers is used in drug delivery, textile engineering, and the like. Speakers include Forest Biomaterials Chemistry (WPS 723), From Papyrus to Plasma Screens: Paper & Society (PSE 220), and Green Chemistry (PSE/CH 335).

Dr. Lucia is one of the founders of BioResources, an internationally renowned journal. He is currently responsible editor for the journal. The publication mainly reports the latest research results in the field of lignocellulose.